Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between the Heritage Hills Homeowners Association (HOA) and the Heritage Hills Metropolitan District (District)?
The Heritage Hills HOA is responsible for Community covenant enforcement, the HOA/Community website, Design Review and Community events.
The Heritage Hills Metropolitan District is responsible for facilities including road repairs, snow removal, common space landscaping, pools, tennis courts, common areas, gate maintenance, community holiday lights, the Community Clubhouse and the detention ponds.
Who should I contact with Heritage Hills questions and concerns?
Either the HOA or District. See respective responsibilities in answer to previous question.
Heritage Hills HOA
How do I get Transponders and Fobs that are used to access Heritage Hills?
Visit the Metro District website for details.
Transponders provide auto access to the 2 main street entrances.
Fobs provides access to the pools, tennis courts and pedestrian gates.
What are the Annual HOA assessments used for and when are they due?
The Annual HOA assessments are used to pay for the processing of design review requests, covenant enforcement, HOA accounting including dues collection/recording, community and social events, HOA management, etc...
Homeowners are billed in December and payment is due January 1st
How is the Metro District funded?
The District collects a portion of your property taxes. Please see the Budget section on the Metro District website.
What is the Design Review process?
All exterior changes and improvements must be submitted to the Heritage Hills HOA Design Review Committee (DRC) for review and must be approved before the work is started. Click here for more information on the Design Review Process
Any project submission to the DRC must include a Design Review Request (DRR) form
What do I do if I get a covenant violation letter from the HOA?
Cure the violation and/or contact HOA management based on the information provided in the letter.
Click here for more information on the covenant enforcement process.