The Design Review Process


  • In general, all changes made to the exterior of a home, any accessory or other item on the lot (e.g., hot tub, play structure), or change made to the lot, requires a Design Review Request (DRR), completed by the homeowner.

  • The homeowner may complete an electronic DRR, which is preferred and will simplify the creation of the submission, or a paper version of the DRR.

  • The Design Review Committee (DRC) may take up to 30 days to review a DRR but strives to review them more quickly. The DRR will not be reviewed until all requested information is received.

  • No work should begin until the DRC provides the homeowner with written approval. The project should be completed in accordance with the approved plan and in the timeframe specified in the approved plan.

  • Upon completion of the project, the homeowner must inform HOA Management. The HOA Management Company and/or the DRC may perform a review of the completed work to confirm that it matches the approved plan.

  • To learn about the Design Review Process, Click Here

  • To review a specific Design Standard, Click Here

Completing a DRR

Completing a Design Review Request (DRR) can be done in 5 easy steps!

Enquire, Submit, Review, Build, and Confirm!


Confirm whether you need to create a Design Review Request.


Check the Design Standards for the work you are proposing

Check what documents you need to submit with your DRR.

  • Click here to review the supporting documents for each improvement. This information is also provided in the electronic DRR.

Confirm the information you need to include in each document.

  • Click here to review the content expected in each document.

Submit the Design Review Request

  • Click here to create an electronic DRR (recommended).

  • Contact HOA Management for a paper copy of the DRR if you cannot complete an electronic DRR.


The Design Review Committee will review your application and provide approvals and or next steps.


Once approved, build away!


After the project is completed, please submit photo evidence of the project for the HOA’s records.